T3 Alliance on the live camera project they completed at Anan Wildlife Observatory
Posted on KSTK Radio in Wrangell, Alaska by Colette Czarnecki | Jul 30, 2024
T3 Alliance visit KSTK on July 30, 2024. Pictured from left is Brian Reggiani, Anika Herman, Andrei Bardin-Siekawitch and Ander Edens. (Colette Czarnecki/KSTK)
Exciting news happened last week: Anan Wildlife Observatory launched two live cameras where people from all over the globe can peek at the black and brown bears and other wildlife. University of Alaska Fairbanks Associate Director for Upward Bound, Brian Reggiani, and three T3 Alliance high school students from Wrangell spoke with KSTK’s News Director Colette Czarnecki about the livestream project they planned and installed cameras for at Anan. T3 Alliance is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) training program for high school students that collaborated with the U.S. Forest Service.