1-day Hands-on Workshop • Tuesday, January 23, 2024 • 10:30 am - 3:30 pm
Hosted by: Newcastle Museum, Australia
And Fizzics Education with Ben Newsome
The event was a huge success, thanks to our wonderful hosts, Ben Newsome and the staff at Newcastle Museum. Students and their families joined us for a variety of introduction into STEM activities. The presentations included “Destination Moon” astronomy basics of space, distance and time; “Cyber security” keeping yourself and family safe on digital devices; “Design Thinking” to be solutionaries in your community; and finally “Brush Bots” building small robots learning about teamwork and closed circuits. The training coincided with E4L’s quarterly board meeting, held in Sydney, Australia, hosted by board member, Ben Newsome.
Learning about closed circuits, Ben demonstrated the power of static electricity in humans lighting a real bulb!tanding-room only!
Students created brush bots with ingenuity to transform the small motor into a Ben presenting to a sBen presenting to a standing-room only!
Learning about closed circuits, Ben demonstrated the power of static electricity in humans lighting a real bulb!!Students created brush bots with ingenuity to transform the small motor into a helicopter!